Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stuck In A Rut

This song came from a time when I felt like I was chained to obligation and I was getting nowhere.  It's not a solitary instance.  This happens to me more than I like to acknowledge, but now I have a song to sing when I am feeling that way.  It helps me remember where my focus needs to be.  Sometimes I just feel like letting go; I wonder why I bother.  I do need to let go of obligation so that I can be free for heartfelt ministry.  This is a prayer that God will relight my passion for sharing His love with the world.  I wrote this two years ago while Eric and I were away celebrating our 14th anniversary.  It had nothing to do with the occasion, but it was a quiet time when I was able to step away and reflect on the things that had been building up in everyday life.  I've been back in that "stuck" place again for the past five months.  It hasn't been fun, but I have to trust that God won't leave me stuck, no matter how I got here.  I can hardly stand myself right now, but the Bible says God loves me, so it's true.  I feel like a failure, but the Bible tells me that God paid the highest price for me. 

Psalm 119:105  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."  
I can't trust my feelings, I have to trust His word.

1 comment:

  1. I actually wrote this post in May, I just wasn't ready to publish it then. I was being very critical and thought I would have to record it again.


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