Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here's The Scoop

It was time to go for a run this morning.  I had been feeling an urge to run around the track in town this morning instead of my usual route.  I hesitated at the turn off trying to determine whether the urging was from the Lord or whether it was just a strange inclination I had, because I really don't like to run in circles.  I decided to head for the track wondering if God was protecting me from some danger that awaited on my regular trek.  As I walked toward the park I passed three people visiting on a patio and greeted them, all the while dreading my run on the mostly sunny, gravel loop.  How many times would I have to run it to equal 5K?  I set out faster than I had intended and questioned the accuracy of my GPS as I went.  Part way around the path I noticed that a dog had been there.  I was grateful that I had avoided stepping in that, made note of where it was, and continued on my way.  As I ran I noticed two more areas where evidence of the dogs visit had been left.  I knew cleaning it up would be right, but had nothing with me to do the job.  It might sound silly, but I prayed that if God wanted me to clean it up he would provide the necessary plastic bag.  I looked around for a station that offered such supplies, but saw none and decided it was best to keep my eyes on the trail.  I finally finished my laps and was ready to head home, but it bothered me that I was leaving a mess for someone else to step in.  I looked in the trash can, but the bags in there were covered with sticky beverages and who knows what else.  By the time I left the park I had mostly decided that I would have to go home, where I knew there were more plastic bags available than I knew what to do with, and return to make the situation right, when I remembered the people on the patio. 

As I approached the house I saw that they were still there.  They greeted me again, and this time I stopped  and asked them, though it's hard to believe that I had the nerve, if they had a plastic bag that they could give me.  One of the ladies asked me if I had seen a dog, and I told her that I had not seen the dog, but I had seen that he had been there.  She said that the dog was hers and that she would clean up after him, but I told her that I would take care of it.  She was very thankful and then she asked where I lived and said that I looked familiar and didn't I used to go to church in town?  I replied that I lived just outside of town and that I had brought my kids to VBS there for a few years, but that we go to church in State College.  I told her that we are hooked there, it's our family.  The man who had gone in the house returned with the plastic bag and handed it to me.  As I walked away I was amazed.  It is times like that when I want to let people know why I am doing what I am doing, but I don't know how without making it seem forced and awkward.  God revealed Himself in the situation through her question without any effort on my part.  I began to criticize myself for my words.  Had I made it sound like I am stuck going to my church because I am related to the people there?  That couldn't be farther from the truth, I don't have a single biological brother, sister, aunt, uncle or cousin in the whole congregation.  I didn't dwell on that for long, my Father had given me an opportunity and allowed me to demonstrate love to a stranger.  He is able to use the words for good whether I feel like they came out right or not.

I walked home thinking about how I had almost gone my usual way because I don't like to run in circles, and what I would have missed out on.   I thought about whether or not I should share this with you.  I often remember that Jesus said not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, and I think it would be better to keep things between God and I, but it really isn't about my hands at all.  It's about Him, and that is something I should share.  If you ever feel discouraged, like you aren't being used for His glory, remember this crazy little story.  I must be out of my mind to be so excited about removing dog deposits from the local park, but I am so amazed at how he cares for us.  I have really been struggling lately, but as I ask God to keep my gaze fixed on Him life takes on a new light.  Jesus cleaned up my mess, I hope He uses this mornings experience to draw attention to Him and to encourage someone to give their mess to Him and accept His sacrifice. 

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