Friday, December 27, 2013

Spilled Milk

It was December 27 in the aftermath of our Christmas festivities.  My mom and my sister were on their way to our home in Pennsylvania from their abode in Virginia to celebrate some more.  My husband, Eric, was with our oldest son at the DMV waiting in line to take the the driver's test.  The three younger kids were in the living room playing video games when I asked if they would like some goat's milk hot cocoa.  We had brought home our first freshened does in May, and they were now bred, and the first one dried off.  Our milk supply was getting low since we were only milking one dwarf goat at the time, but it seemed like a good idea to make hot cocoa anyway.  I may have been mistaken. 

I emptied the current pitcher into the hot chocolate maker and proceeded to wash it and fill it from the next waiting jar.  Usually I just wash whatever is stuck on the sides down the drain, but I have been watching how Eric is careful to scape the jar into the pitcher and decided that I should be too.  I reached for a spatula, and as I tipped the jar up the pitcher full of milk slipped and fell over.  As the creamy white liquid ran down the counter and onto the floor while seeping into the drawers, the pitcher rolled to the floor as well.  I stood watching in bewilderment as the puddle of milk made its way to the gap under the oven.  My children came to the kitchen to see what the commotion was all about. 

There was really nothing that could be done except for cleaning up the mess.  Austin and Heather tried to pitch in and did a few errands for me, but for the most part I just worked at it til it was done.  No one was hurt.  No glass was broken.  Nothing was really ruined except the milk which we had worked several days for.  I was rather upset with myself for my clumsiness, but what could I do besides learn from my mistake and try to be more careful in the future.  It was only spilled milk after all.  

While I was cleaning up the mess I heard my daughter complain excessively about something her brother was doing in the game they were playing.  I admit that I laid into her and told her to suck it up.  Her problem seemed so small compared to mine.  I also reminded her though that my problem was so much smaller than the one someone else we know is facing.  She is in the hospital suffering from physical injuries, and the loss of a loved one. They were recently in an automobile accident.  Really, there are so many people in this world who are suffering physically and emotionally that I feel ashamed for letting something as small as spilled milk get to me.  

Come March, Lord willing, there will be adorable goat kids to play with and three mommas giving all the milk we need for many months.  In the mean time we will have to supplement with milk from the grocery store a little sooner than we expected.  That will make Heather happy, though she did feel bad for me about the incident in the kitchen, she really hasn't gotten used to goats milk yet.  I will also hold off on drying up the other goat until we need to. It will only be another week or two then she will need to rest for two months while her babies grow to full term.  Some days just aren't the best, but when we put things into perspective they're a lot better than they seem.  

My mom and my sister weren't having their best day either.  They got stuck in some really slow traffic, but that's a story for them to tell.  

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Are You Being Served?

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about learning to be content that God is pleased with me even when I am being criticized by other people.  I am trying to learn not to beat myself up because others are disappointed with me or simply think I am not good enough.  On my own I am not good enough, but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).  The realization that the very thing I do to please one person might simultaneously irritate, annoy or anger someone else reminded me that I should be striving to please God and not men (Galatians 1:10). The seemingly ironic thing is that to please God I must serve my fellow man (John 13:14-15).  This seems to put me in a quandary, but I know that there is a balance that I must strive for.  I always must put God first and serve others, but knowing that I can't always please others I must be content to serve them and receive criticism for it sometimes.  

In this world that says, "do what you want to do," "do what feels good," and "do what makes you happy;" I must stand apart and do what pleases the Lord, for that is where true joy is found.  Hopefully it will often mean meeting a real need and being appreciated, but it doesn't always work that way.  Sometimes it will mean giving someone what they need instead of what they want, as the Lord often does with me.  Sometimes it will mean speaking the truth in love.  Often it will mean setting aside what one person wants to meet the needs of another, but it is still putting God first and serving others.  

I recently had this principle of receiving joy by serving others brought to life in a very simple way.  I was addressing Christmas Cards to friends and family and as I got to the end of my list (not alphabetically) I became discouraged.  I started thinking crazy things like, "I never hear from this person, why should I send them a greeting?"  How ridiculous!  Somehow I had let the process of sending out cards become about me instead of the people who I was wishing a Merry Christmas.  I asked Eric if I should send cards to this person or that person, and his response was, "Well, you have the stamps."  He left the room and I began to think about my attitude and realign my perspective.  I started thinking about how it may bless the people to know that someone was thinking of them.  True, they may not like the particular card or even appreciate the thought, but that is not for me to worry about.  As I wrote out the remaining greetings as an expression of love to others, wishing for nothing in return, I was filled with joy once more.  I had grown weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9), but it was such a blessing to receive that second wind and reenforcing life lesson.  Serving is for the other person.  Yes, the server receives a blessing of joy, but if their motives become corrupted it robs them of that joy.  

So the lesson continues.  On the journey through this world God is working to transform me into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29)(2Corinthians 3:18).  It's a process, but someday it will be complete (Philippians 1:6) (1 Corinthians 15:51-52).  The longer I struggle against my human nature, which wants it's own way, the more I long for that day.  Until it arrives I will thank my God that His grace is sufficient for me (2 Corinthians 12:19) when I stumble along this road.  Praise the Lord!  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever! (Psalm 106:1)

So you can answer the title question this time if you want to, or you can share your own story of one of your own life lessons.  :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2013 Greetings From The Huyett Family

Dear Friends and Family,
It's been quite a year of change here. As the year began so did our discussions about farm animals. It wasn't long before we were visiting farms. In March we got some chicks and by Easter we had brought home our male Nigerian dwarf goats. On Memorial day we went to pick up the rest of our goats, two of which were freshened does, and we also had our first and only milking lesson. The rest we had to learn through experience and research. This fall the does were bred, and we are expecting our first kids in March. So continues our hands on educational experience.
Another thing we began to seriously consider as the year dawned was alternate employment opportunities. Eric compiled his resume and sent it to Penn State. It took most of the year, but the Lord's timing is perfect, and in November he received the offer we had been waiting for. He is scheduled to begin his new job on January 6 after 17 ½ years at Raytheon.
In July, Eric went on another business trip to Denver. I had the opportunity to go spend some time with him while he was there. This was a new experience. It was nice to see where he has been going for the past eight years. The kids did a wonderful job of caring for the animals while we were away, and Eric's mom, June, and Aunt Peg were very kind to come and stay with them driving them to their activities and helping them stay on task. Eric was able to take the weekend off while I was visiting, and we had a wonderful time in Rocky Mountain National Park, and at Pikes Peak. You can view pictures from our trip at:
In addition to all the new happenings we continue to stay involved with Church, Small Group, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Soccer, Band and Drama. The three older kids also did track in the spring, and they went to Disney with the marching band. Darren had the opportunity to take some horse back riding lessons, which he loved. Eric still plays volleyball on Sunday evenings, and I still enjoy participating with the worship team. It's such a blessing to have three of the kids by my side in that ministry now. Cody has been training Heather to operate the sound board, and Austin plays keys occasionally.
One of the best things I have done this year is to keep a journal. I have been able to realize so many answers to prayer that may otherwise have gone unnoticed. Thanks be to God for all he has done and Praise to Him for He is worthy!
We hope that your family has realized many blessings this year as well, and we wish you many more in 2014.
~With love from the Huyett Family.