Friday, May 5, 2017

This Grace Is 4 U 2

Really?  Could it be for me?   This girl who spent so much energy warning about sins destruction and preaching about grace, mercy and forgiveness, could she be entitled to the benefits of adoption she preached to her brothers and sisters and the world?  This girl fell so far.  She was living deep in sin.  She was living there knowing that she has a Savior who suffered and died for the very things she was doing, and she indulged.  While she was there she knew she was forgiven.  Somehow she was able to wrap her mind around it while she was there, but now that she is turning around she has an awful hard time with the concept.  She believes that her Savior forgives her.  She does.  She is having a most difficult time forgiving herself for so many facets of what she has been through, but what right has she to withhold something that God gives freely.  She can't believe that people will forgive her either.  She can't see her future.  She was once a writing, singing testimony of God's love.  Now, here in this place where God's love is so evident as the only thing that can save her, she fears she has lost the right to be His spokesperson.  She fears she will only be a mockery and laughing stock.  She is so stuck between who she is and who she wants to be that she can't see a way forward.  She knows though.  Deep down she knows.  This grace is for you too child.  Accept it as you would have others accept it.  God will make a way.  That's what He does.  No matter what you've done, He is who He is and that will never change.  He is still your Father.  He still loves you.  He will make a way forward for you and use you again.  It might even transpire before you realize what has happened.  Don't look to the world to forgive you.  Don't be surprised when others won't forgive.  Live in God's grace and forgiveness and leave the world to Him.  In His time you will see the results that now seem impossible.  Your light might seem dim, but let it shine just the same.  Even a dim light is a help in the darkness. 

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