Tuesday, November 25, 2014

In The Gutter

As I was walking to the post office today I spotted a nail on the side of the road.  It was in the gutter and I walked right passed it, but as soon as I did my heart spoke to me.  "You know if you leave that there someone could end up with a flat tire."  I realized that essentially that flat tire would be my fault because I could have taken a step to prevent it but instead ignored that opportunity.  I walked back a few steps and then forward again and saw the nail once more.  This time I picked it up and removed it from its threatening position.  As I carried it I pondered this lesson...

It isn't such a big deal to pick up a nail from the side of the road, but when I think of all the things I could do and don't, it is overwhelming.  How many much more serious situations could I play an intervening role in?  How could I help orphaned children?  How could I help feed the hungry?  How could I help people with disabilities find meaningful productive employment?  How many hopeless hearts could I turn to The Savior?  

I can't help everyone, but I can help someone!  I can't stop every accident or injury from happening, but there are some that I can take proactive steps to prevent.  I can't clean up every messy situation, but I can role up my sleeves and pitch in.  I can't take care of every orphan in the world, but I can make a difference for some.  I can't feed every hungry person in the world, but I can feed some.  I don't know how to help the disabled, but I can support those who do.  I won't be able to lead every lost soul to Christ, but I can start a chain reaction every time I show one person The Way.

It's time to start making more of a positive impact on the world.  It's time to start helping people out of the gutter, picking them up off the side of the road regardless of how they got there.  I pray for the strength.  My last blog post was about running.  I confess, I have stopped again.  Low iron levels sapped my energy, and I quit.  That doesn't mean I am done for good, but I'm definitely taking an extended break again.  I take a lot of naps these days, but I don't want to be all talk and no action.  I don't want to write this post and then do nothing.  I will be emailing a friend today to see how I can help with their cause.  

Praising The Lord for His goodness and mercy!

James 1:27  Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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