Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Test Without A Curve

One of the very great misconceptions there seems to be among people who believe in God is that He will let them in to heaven if they have been relatively good.  There is this false idea that if a person has never committed a murder, robbed a bank or assaulted anyone they will make the cut.  The problem is that this notion compares people to each other instead of to God's standard, and God doesn't grade on a curve.  You have to attain a perfect score to pass the entrance exam into His kingdom.  

"That's impossible!" You may think, and I am glad you recognize it if you do.  The Bible says that "all have sinned," (Romans 2:23), and that "there is none righteous, no not one," (Romans 3:10).  We can't make it on our own merit or achievement.  That is why God sent His perfect Son to come and  pass the test.  God doesn't curve our grade, but He gives us the right to claim Jesus' test score as our own if we simply ask.  

Jesus is the only one who ever earned a perfect 100%.  He lived on earth as a human with all of our desires and temptations, but never gave in to one of them.  He suffered, bled and died the death that we deserved for all of our rebellion against God's perfect nature.  He gave himself as our substitute so that we could have our life stamped with His perfect score.  The only right answer to our test is, "Jesus."  All we must do is receive the free gift He is offering based on His performance, not ours.  

Will you admit today that all the good you have ever done will never add up to a perfect score?  Will you give up the deception that if you are good compared to other people He will let you enter on your own merit? Will you trust His sacrifice of perfection as the only way to be accepted by a Holy God?  "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them."  (John 3:36)

Your perfect score was ruined by sin long ago, as was mine.  You can't ever bring your score back up to 100%. There will always be points missing.  You can't make them up. There's no extra credit.   Jesus wants to come into your life, change your grade, and begin making you more like Him, but He is waiting for you to invite Him in.  God doesn't grade on a curve, and Jesus isn't a party crasher.  He won't sneak in the back door.  He will only come in if you ask him to.  


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