Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hot Cocoa and a Snickers Bar

Last evening I cooked dinner in a rush and ate it even faster. It was a whirlwind of activity as people had to come and go, be picked up and dropped off, and I was running late for a JV soccer game. Eric was doing the taxi driving. All I had to do was get to the next town and watch my son play, but by the time I left the house I was stressed out, and when I got out to the field it just turned to tired. I was a little intimidated by the football practice at the gate, I was confused by all the roped off areas inside the stadium, and I was having trouble finding my way into the stands. Just as I was about to give up or do something stupid I looked up and saw a familiar face. My confusion must have been evident. I did a scan of the area to see how my friend had gotten into the bleachers. I made my way up and we watched the game together. It was just nice to have company, I had rather expected to be alone. Not only did I have someone to watch the game with, but the person was concerned that I did not look like I was feeling well. I assured them that I was only tired, and after a short absence they returned with two hot drinks and two candy bars. I was offered one of each. It was an act of thoughtfulness and kindness that made my day. I tell you, that was the best Snickers bar ever!

I write this to encourage myself and my readers not to neglect the simple acts of kindness that could make the difference in a person's day. Whether it's a kind word to the clerk at the grocery store, a phone call to a friend, or hot cocoa and a Snickers bar: thoughtfulness makes a difference. We have an opportunity each day to reach out and make the world a better place. I thank God both for that opportunity and for the people who have made a positive difference in my life.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

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