When my family goes out for a hike it's often difficult to stay together. Some walk slow and some walk fast, and before you know it there's a gap between us. Someone eventually has to change their pace so we can get back together.
I have been a child of God for 31 years now. I wish I could say that I've walked close to Him constantly for each of those years, but like those hikes with my family I often get out of step. Sometimes I try to charge ahead recklessly while other times I drag my feet and lag behind.
I don't know what it is that I have been doing lately, but the path has been a bit dim. I know that God's pace is perfect and He is my light. It is obvious that I need to get back in rhythm with His steps, then the path will be bright again.
More time in the Word. More time in prayer. More time in fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. These are the remedies. It seems I need to pick up my spiritual pace. Perhaps I've gotten distracted by the scenes along the way, or maybe I am looking too far ahead and have become overwhelmed by the distance.
Praise God that He won't ever let me get too far "ahead" or too far behind. He is a loving Father who will always bring me back into the light.
Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
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