Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blind Heart, Come See

Do you feel like you are looking for love in all the wrong places?  Do you find that no matter how perfect a relationship seems, something always messes it up?  We all feel that way in our relationships with each other at times.  Love is a choice.  God loves us, and He lets us choose whether we will love Him back or not.  If we chose to have a relationship with him it can never be messed up.  He made sure it would be secure forever. 

Blind heart there is hope for your eyes now to see
What love truly is, and what love's meant to be.
Love never gives up and it never will fail
Love always hopes over doubt it prevails.

Come see, come see what love is meant to be
Come see, come see what love's become to me.

It began with a God who created free will.
He gave man a choice and we have a choice still.
The first man gave in to desire and pride.
We've all followed suit, but One perfect Son died.

A perfect Man who gave His life, God's only Son the sacrifice,
So from your burdens you will be set free,
when you let Him open your blind heart to see.
He'll come and change you from within, that's the work His love begins
And He will never leave it incomplete
It's a promise for His children who believe.

So lay down your heart at the foot of the cross;
What once seemed like wealth you will soon count as dross
Compared to the glorious love you have found
In the One who gave all. Let your praises resound...

To a perfect Man who gave His life, God's only Son the sacrifice,
So from your burdens you will be set free,
when you let Him open your blind heart to see.
He'll come and change you from within, that's the work His love begins
And He will never leave it incomplete
It's a promise for His children who believe.
And He'll send you to the world wit His story.

Blind heart there is hope for your eyes now to see...

Come see, come see what love is meant to be.
Come see, come see what love's become to me.

Blind Heart, Come See
 Juanita Huyett

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Taste and See

Five members of our worship team were away at a conference together last week.  It was a nice time to hang out and learn together.  One of the things we were encouraged to do is to start writing songs about what is going on in our church.  Our tendency is to just sing songs from other churches.  They are good songs, but if we write our own it captures the heartbeat of what God is doing among us locally.  They suggested ways to begin doing this, and one of them was to use the pastor's sermon as a springboard.  This Sunday when I was sitting in church and our pastor said, "God's love is like ice cream," I thought, "there it is, I have to write a song about that."  It started out as a joke.  I don't think I really expected to get a whole song out of it.  I knew from the beginning that, though he was using this as a good metaphor, as a song it would be a bit silly.  I believe that God approves of our joyful laughter though, because He is joyful. I had a few unexpected minutes alone in the car Sunday, and when I prayed about this idea and began to sing, the chorus seemed to flow out.  All that was left to do was figure out the chords and build some verses to support it.  I've attempted to keep the meaning of the metaphor, while having a little fun with it.  I don't really feel like I write songs, but that God writes them through me.  Sometimes He just puts them in my heart and they come pouring out, other times I get an idea and He uses my effort to produce them, but either way they are His.  My daughter says this one is cheesy...  cream cheesy.  ;)  That's okay; I know she has a special affection for cheese.  I think she might be inspired to write a song about it.

The Ice Cream Song

Taste and see the Lord is good, Things don't compare, but if they could
And I could say it's like a food, then You're love is like ice cream.

You're love, You're love is like ice cream, ice cream

Rich and creamy, sweet and smooth; so many flavors I can't choose.
The good news is I don't have to... You give them all to me.

Chocolate, mint or rocky road, You're merciful gracious and good.
Add caramel, fudge, chips, nuts or fruit, cause you accept us all.

Dip it, scoop it, serve it soft. You paid the tab upon the cross,
So all you are is truly ours, each flavor of Your love.

The Ice Cream Song

Juanita Huyett

©2013 jmhuyett

March 19

This will be even more fun if Austin adds the rap that he is hearing in the background.  If he get's that part together we'll have to make a new video, or maybe have Cody help us mix an mp3 so that the vocals and guitar can be more balanced. I told him if he actually did it I would definitely add his name to the writer credits.  :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just Jump!

Sometimes my life reminds me of the time I got stuck on the high dive at the pool when I was in my tweens.  I climbed up there because I wanted to conquer the challenge.  I had a goal.  I had an audience too.  I got out to the end of the diving board and I stared down at the water.  I kept trying to convince myself to take the leap, but the longer I stood there the more nervous I got.  People started yelling at me.  Much of this was because there was a line behind me of people who weren't afraid and wanted their turn.  In the end I hung my head and climbed back down the ladder.  I don't want to live like that.  In the swimming pool of life it is time for me to hold my breath and jump, trusting that by the grace of God I will float and maybe even swim.

In the book of Matthew (14:22-33) Peter doesn't climb a high dive, instead he steps out of the boat on a windy night.  He has a purpose!  He is going to meet Jesus out on the water.  The waves are crashing around him, the other disciples are watching him, they may have even been yelling at him.  Peter probably looked at the water; NIV says he "saw the wind."  He started to sink.  Jesus rescued Peter from drowning that day, and he taught us an important lesson.  When our focus is on Jesus, and we look to him for our strength, every plan that God has given us will succeed.  When we become distracted by circumstances, spectators, hecklers or even cheerleaders, we fail to exercise the power available to us.  Focusing on our weakness, or our ability, rather than on Christ's strength is a tried and true recipe for defeat.

I'd been standing on the proverbial diving board for a long time waiting for someone to push me off.  I guess I'd rather be pushed because then, if I sink, there is someone else to blame.  I've been standing at the side of the boat looking out and asking, "do You really want me to do this, or is this just some crazy thing I have concocted?"  I recently took a long awaited plunge.  Storms raged around and in me while I hesitated, but finally the conviction became so strong that there was no turning back.  I've already had moments where I felt like I was sinking, but Jesus is always there and when I focus on him I rise.  Life is full of opportunities to take a leap of faith.  It's not meant to be a spectator's sport, and if we won't get wet we find ourselves watching it pass us by.  We receive so much blessing from doing the things God has called us to, but the glory is His alone.  If you've been standing on the edge, make sure your eyes are on Jesus then go for it, but remember to stay focused on Him.  I need to stay focused on Him!

Hebrews 12:2  Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising it's shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 

Water swirling, waves are crashing;
There is somewhere I must go.
Boat won't take me.  Faith will only.
Now my Savior's will I know.

Wind is blowing, boat is rocking;
I must step beyond it's bow.
Water's cold now, clothes are heavy,
But my end He won't allow.

Feet are walking.  Jesus calling!
Now my eyes are fixed on Him.
Arms that catch me. His face I see.
He's the Light that never dims.

J.M. Huyett  (March 13, 2013)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chasing My Tail

Don't worry!  It's just for dramatic effect.
I felt like I had been slapped in the face when a friend said, "now, if you could just stop worrying."  I had asked her to pray about a situation, and this was not what I had expected to hear.  In my mind the fact that I was asking for prayer meant that I was admitting that I needed God's strength and wisdom, and to me that seemed like stepping away from worry.  I meant to trust; I was asking for help.  With this one little phrase I catapulted into a frenzied worry about being worried.  Could things get any more ironic?  So, what is the difference between being worried about something, and knowing you need help?  Is there a healthy amount of humble concern we should have?  Can we be carefree and still care?

It's not that I'm claiming I don't worry.  I certainly do. I worry about being misunderstood; what people will think of me.  I often anticipate conflict and then agonize about how to handle it.  Sometimes I end up angry over imaginary conversations in my head.  That's not good fruit.  I worry over others mistaking my motives which causes me to question myself. I wonder, when I share positive experiences, whether friends will think I am bragging, and then I have to ask myself if indeed I am.  If I share my struggles will I sound like a complainer, or will someone else be encouraged to know that they are not the only one with those issues?   For the most part this is out of my control.  All I can do is walk in the Spirit and act and speak as I am led in accordance with God's word.  I have to surrender my desire for everyone to like me or agree with me, and respond with love, patience and kindness when they don't. 

You are reading the ramblings of a confused child, but a child who desires to do the will of her Lord.  I fight a battle "to put off [my] old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of [my] mind; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."  (Ephesians 4:22-24)  It's a battle I am going to have to keep fighting, but I can trust that "He who began a good work in [me] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippian1:6)  Trust and worry just don't mix.  I am going to have to learn to fight my battle bravely without anxiety, and yet retain concern and compassion for others.  I must focus more on others and less on self.  Finally this contemplation has come to the point.  I've got to let go of me.  I have to care about others for their sake alone.  In the here and now I may indeed face all of the things I've fretted over, but in eternity they won't matter.  Actually, there will be rewards for them. (Matthew 5:11-12)  Just stay focused on Jesus, and do what He would do.  He would use His gifts to bless others, and He was often misunderstood.  Why should I expect to be universally accepted and loved when He was rejected?  (John 15:18-20)

I asked my friend to pray for me because I knew God would answer.  The idea was to pray instead of worrying, and trust in God rather than in my ability or lack there of.  I never thought that one simple prayer request would launch me into this type of self analysis, but why shouldn't it?  I am an over analytical type of person; one who would worry about being worried in fact.  I am sure my friend never meant to initiate this type of reflection either, she was just trying to tell me to relax a little.  I guess I could start the whole cycle over again at this point, but I am just going to embrace the personality God gave me, and use it for good wherever He leads me.  

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunshine and Rain Clouds

You can change the world around you with a smile or a frown, a kind word or an insult.  I was recently struck by the power one negative attitude can have over a whole group of people.  Once the rain clouds start rolling in it's difficult to see the sunshine.  Our demeanor can be contagious.  If we insist on being a negative influence, why would we expect the people around us to be anything but negative?  The good news is that a positive attitude can be contagious as well.  If we have the strength to shine we can cut through the gloom.  I know that on my own I don't have the strength, but "all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13  

To often the negative attitude is my own.  I desperately want someone to shine a light strong enough to chase away my storm, but I have to find my strength and joy in Christ.  I can't depend on other people to meet my needs.  Sometimes I just seem to want to wallow in misery, but that is letting the enemy have a foothold.  I have to repent and turn to my Savior.  Personally, when I am tired I have a terrible time seeing things in a positive light.  Sometimes I just need to admit that I am weak and take a nap.  Things often look different after a rest, and that rest is a gift from God.  Jesus knows that we must rest.  He slept in a boat during a storm.  In Mark 6:31 he urged his disciples to “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while,” and he invites us in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  God provides what we need to be the people he has called us to be, but we have to lay down our pride and admit our need. 

Having so often struggled with discouragement, and having been so recently affected by contagious attitudes, I don't want to forget the lesson I have learned about how quickly enthusiasm can be extinguished by the negativity that surrounds it.  I pray for the strength to shine on those who need encouragement instead of smothering the flame; the stamina to fuel the excitement and watch it spread. We can find the positive and encourage each other with it, or we can dwell on the negative and bring others down.  It's easy to yield to discouragement, but life is so much better when we refuse to give in to it.  My prayer is that you and I will each make a conscious effort to be the cheerleader, not the heckler; the one who lifts up, not the one who puts down; the one who finds a way, not the one who gives up.  Though the influences around us are strong, we can shine through the clouds even when others rain on our parade.  I know I can't do it in my own strength, but I am thankful that I have Christ to give me strength.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

As always, if you have not yet received Christ as your Savior it would be my privilege to talk with you about starting that relationship.  Even if you do know Jesus, and you have something you'd like to talk about, just send me a message and I will be in touch.   ~Juanita (